Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday Citar

Sunday Citar is brought to you by Fresh Mommy, somewhere we can all share a bit of beauty in words and images.
So first off I wanted to share just a little of the beauty I live in :D One of those tiny figures is me, enjoying the gorgeous swimming hole in the middle of the Daintree rainforest!

I want to beg you, as much as I can,
to be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign language.
Do not seek the answers which cannot be given you, because you would not be able to live them.
And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now.
Perhaps you will then gradually , without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer. ~ Rainer Maria Rilke

I am impatient. Yup I am, I'm happy to admit it. There are times where surprisingly I'm not. But the majority of the time I long for the answers here and now.
But I've realised the beauty in not knowing them. In the adventures of pressing through and not seeing the answers. And what if I had known the answers? Would it have been encouragement? Or would it have served to enforce the "That is impossible!/I can't do that" attitude and stopped myself from getting there?
So I want to share that beauty with you all today. In not seeking answers which cannot be given and instead gradually living along into the answer. Where you can look back and go WOW look what I achieved.


  1. It must have been so cool to see that!

  2. I'm impatient I totally get it. Love the quote and pic!!

  3. Beautiful words from a beautiful lady :D
    Keep your sense of awe, keep seeing the things that make you say WOW!!!!

  4. What an amazing post! You helped me today. Thank you :)

  5. It is a very beautiful image. Patience is a hard skill to master for me. Now is so nice : )
